Aug 7, 2018

Lorelei's Lit Lair Recommends... GOOD LUCK WITH THAT by Kristan Higgins~ Plus GIVEAWAY!

Giveaway at the end of this post! Ends 8/19/18 U. S. only

   Good Luck With That
by Kristan Higgins 

New York Times bestselling author Kristan Higgins is beloved for her heartfelt novels filled with humor and wisdom. Now, she tackles an issue every woman deals with: body image and self-acceptance.
Emerson, Georgia, and Marley have been best friends ever since they met at a weight-loss camp as teens. When Emerson tragically passes away, she leaves one final wish for her best friends: to conquer the fears they still carry as adults.

For each of them, that means something different. For Marley, it's coming to terms with the survivor's guilt she's carried around since her twin sister's death, which has left her blind to the real chance for romance in her life. For Georgia, it's about learning to stop trying to live up to her mother's and brother's ridiculous standards, and learning to accept the love her ex-husband has tried to give her.

But as Marley and Georgia grow stronger, the real meaning of Emerson's dying wish becomes truly clear: more than anything, she wanted her friends to love themselves.

A novel of compassion and insight, Good Luck With That tells the story of two women who learn to embrace themselves just the way they are.

Eileen's & Lorelei's Thoughts

Eileen: I was emotionally moved while reading Good Luck With That by Kristan Higgins. While reading this story I felt the story not only told the story of her characters but also described a scenario that affects most girls and women, of all ages, as they obsess with their appearance and the pressure of unrealistic expectations by societal, and possibly family, expectations. I was cheering on these friends who were supportive of each other, accepted each other flaws and all, and compassionate about each other’s struggle.
Technology, air brushing, and the media have altered how one can or should appear, along with the expectation of what body image is normal. Women need to take back the fight, embrace themselves, and love themselves for who they are. It shouldn’t matter what others think but what they think of themselves. This book is a reminder that we need to love ourselves, just the way we are.
Ms. Higgins wrote an amazing and emotional story that is not to be missed. I struggled putting this book down, turning page after page, not letting go until I turned the last page. I highly recommend this book to other readers.


Lorelei: “Do you know just how beautiful you are? Yes, you reading this. You’re beautiful inside and out, because your spirit and energy is where your beauty comes from. You're kind, smart, generous and unique. You’re loved for all those reasons and more. Your beauty radiates from within. That’s what truly matters. You are perfect. Love yourself just the way you are. The world is a happier and better place because of you.” 
These words came to me the morning after reading Good Luck With That. I woke up wanting to share these sentiments on social media, but I saved it first as part of my review. When a story can move me enough to want to share these thoughts with the world, well, I say it's a book that genuinely made a big impression on me. Powerful feelings and message, don't you think?
The day I finished reading the the story, I had the biggest smile while hugging the book and my heart was filled with joy for the happy ending! YES!!! *Fist-pump!* Just like with all of Kristan Higgins’s books.
Good Luck With That is an emotional journey filled with friendships, family drama, tears of sorrow and laughter, but most importantly Love. Love and acceptance of ourselves, and of others for who they are.
Ms. Higgins brings to the pages the challenges, not only of self image and eating disorders, but also PTSD, coping with the loss of loved ones, health related issues and difficult relationships. I felt a lot of empathy towards many characters and listening to each one’s point of view was heartbreaking at times, and laugh out loud hilarious in others, only like Kristan Higgins can do it. Honest and enlightening.
Good Luck With That delivers a message for us to consider or reflect on how words we use to show our “love”, can either have a positive or negative affect on our loved ones, and it's also a story about self- acceptance. One of the best books I’ve read this year. Powerful. Brilliantly written. Everyone should read it.

 A signed copy of If You Only Knew ~U.S only


 About Kristan Higgins

More books by Kristan Higgins
Kristan Higgins is the New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of nearly twenty novels, which have been translated into more than two dozen languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide. Her books have received many awards and accolades, including starred reviews from Kirkus, the New York Journal of Books, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and Booklist. She is a six-time nominee for The Kirkus Prize for best work of fiction and a three-time winner of the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA Award.

Kristan lives in Connecticut with her heroic firefighter husband, their two kind-hearted, snarky and long-lashed children and several poorly behaved animals. In addition to being an author, Kristan is an award-winning baker and a fan of naps, books and movies, not necessarily in that order.


Reviewer: Eileen is a retired high school teacher who has loved reading all of her life and goes everywhere with a book. She enjoys reading Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Suspense, Women’s Literature, YA, NA, Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Cozy Mysteries. She likes strong heroines, hot heroes and a story that draws her in, not letting go until the last page is turned. She lives in Minnesota with her husband, pup, and near her four adult children.

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  1. I love that you both did a review for this one! And of course, you both loved it! Exactly as i expected! Nice reviews ladies!

    1. Thank you! I thought both our point of views were important to share. Thanks for stopping by! Good luck with the giveaway

  2. she is a newer to me author. a few if her books are on my tbr list, but a few more are ahead of them at this time. this book sounds wonderful.

  3. I have read a couple of Kristen's books. I like The Best Man the best.

    I love the idea for this new book! I think every teenage girl should have to read it!

    1. I’m glad you like The Best Man! You know I’m the baker, right? My name was chosen as a secondary character in the series. 😄 Kristan loves asking her fans for names and of pets, too.
      And yes, every girl/women should read Good Luck With That! Thanks for sharing and Good Luck!

    2. How fun is that! Very jealous!

  4. I have read a few of Kristen's books and have liked them all. I really want to read this book, it sounds very interesting. Thanks for the chance.

    1. Hi Doris! Kristan’s amazing, isn’t she? Thanks for sharing and good luck with the giveaway!

  5. no, never read this author

  6. I am not familiar with her books, but after looking up some of them and reading the descriptions, I think she'd be an author I would enjoy.

  7. I have not read Kristan Higgins yet but would like to! This sounds like a terrific book.

  8. I have only read one of Kristan's books but I have a couple more of hers on my list of books I want to read.

  9. I'm not familiar with the author but I love to read and I'm always looking for new authors!

  10. She is a new author to me, but would love to read her books.

  11. She's a new to me author. I look forward to reading this book.

  12. She is new to me. I like Jennifer Weiner

  13. She is new to me, looks good. Thanks for the chance to win this.

  14. She is new to me. I think I will like her work!
    Sherri J
