Aug 8, 2018

Romance, Wine & Chocolate '18 Author Spotlight Q&A with Barbara Longley!

In August we begin a series of 10 Author Spotlights with a brief Q&A introducing each of the amazing authors attending  Romance, Wine & Chocolate '18 on August 31st in Orlando, FL. Registration is FULL, but check for cancellations at
Author #7: Get to know a little more about today's featured author, the fantabulous Barbara Longley
Books by Barbara Longley

Award winning, international Amazon bestselling author Barbara Longley and each of her four siblings were born in different states. Because her family moved so frequently, she learned early on how to entertain herself with stories. In 2015, she transitioned out of full-time teaching and into full time writing. Barbara’s contemporary, Celtic fantasy and historical romances will tug at your heartstrings and leave you with a smile.
She divides her time between Minnesota, where her family

lives, and Tennessee, where she enjoys hiking in the Smoky Mountain National Park with her dog, Sophie. Barbara is a longstanding member of Romance Writers of America (RWA), and is listed on RWA’s Honor Roll of Bestselling Authors. 
Enjoy this about Barbara Longley
1. What genre(s) do you write?
    I write Celtic fantasy/time travel, contemporary and historical romance—with courageous heroines and strong heroes.    

2. Coffee or tea lover?
    I am addicted to coffee. Occasionally I’ll drink tea, but I find tea disappointing. In fact, now that you’ve brought up the subject, I’m going to make myself a cup of coffee right now. 

3. Name one thing on your bucket list.
    I want to see the Fjords of Norway. On that note, my family is planning a Norway trip for 2020.

4. Do you have pets?
    I have a silly dog named Sophie, a.k.a. “Stinky Dog.” She is part cocker spaniel, and part basset hound. She’s the happiest, tail-waggingest dog I’ve ever known.
5. When I wake up every morning I...
    First of all, I’m grateful I woke up! Then I stretch and head for the bathroom.

​6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own.
    I own a talking “Minion Dave” doll, given to me by my publisher when one of my books surpassed 50K copies sold.  
​7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills?
    I used to sew and bead a lot, but not so much anymore. I love to hike, and I try to put in five miles a day walking or hiking. Half the year I live near the Smoky Mountain National Park, so I’m inspired. I have a masters in education, and I taught for twenty-one years. I’m very good at turning new-to-me information into a lesson plan.

8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?
    I hope my readers gain a sense of optimism and hope from my books. Some of my stories have a message, while others are meant to simply entertain. I write Celtic fantasies because I want to believe in the possibilities the universe has to offer. I hope my fantasy stories will spark someone else’s imagination.
9. What inspired you to write What You Do To Me
WHAT YOU DO TO ME was inspired by a radio talk show I listened to one morning on my way to work. The show specializes in outrageous questions, and it’s always good for a laugh. That morning’s question was, “What’s the sluttiest thing you’ve ever done?” A divorcee came on and talked about her experience (post-divorce) with a handyman. She said, “After he did the job, I did him, and he was wonderful.” A few minutes later the handyman came on the air to say women throw themselves at him all the time. I was intrigued by the handyman and what may have led him to engage in those kinds of behaviors. Then, a teacher friend of mine told us about her daughter, whose fiancé moved to Indonesia two weeks before their wedding . . .without his bride-to-be. He offered no explanation; he just left. I had to bring the jilted bride and the handsiest handyman in the Twin Cities together. I just had to.
Whether it’s repairing a home or taking care of clients’ other needs, Twin Cities handyman Sam Haney is in demand from his mostly female clientele. Despite Sam’s lothario reputation, love isn’t part of his portfolio. He’s built a lot of walls in his time, but the one surrounding his heart ever since the death of his parents is his most solid yet.

Haley Cooper has had enough heartache for a lifetime. Her high school sweetheart, up and moved to Indonesia—alone—just two weeks before their wedding. Her mother thinks it’s time for Haley to move on and contracts Sam to work on Haley’s wreck of a house—and anything else, if he’s got the notion.

Sparks fly and passion ignites. But Haley isn’t into Sam’s love-’em-and-leave-’em act. She wants something more. Fixing a house is one thing, but for this handyman, building a relationship will need a whole different set of skills.

 Click here to go to Barbara's's Fun Fact Challenge Giveaway! #RWC18~ ends 9/16/18
 Friends! Are you attending Romance, Wine & Chocolate '18? Have you in the past? Do you enjoy Contemporary Romance? Are you a fan of Barbara Longley or is she new to you? Which are your favorites by Barbara? I'd love to know...

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  1. have not been to RWC before. love contemporary romance. Barbara Longley is a new to me author. adding this to my list.

  2. I love the Smoky Mountain National Park. We have been there twice on summer vacations. I would love to go in the fall with just the hubby in one of those cute homes in the mountains that you can rent.

    What a fun story line! Who knew woman came on to the handyman!

  3. Barbara is new to me. The story sounds interesting! Unique.
