Mar 5, 2018

Author Spotlight & Giveaway: Sabrina Jeffries!

*Giveaway!* Easy Entry! U.S. only~Ends 3/11/18
Today’s featured guest is the fantabulous NYTimes bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries!
Follow Sabrina Jeffries on Amazon

Learn some fun facts about Sabina in this short Q&A. Leave a question on the blog for a chance to win The Secret of Flirting!
1. What genre(s) do you write? 
 Historical romance
2. Coffee or tea lover?  
 Both! But more coffee than tea.
3. Name one thing on your bucket list.      

 Visiting Italy.

4. Do you have pets?      

5. When I wake up every morning I...  Drink a cup of coffee.  

6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own.   
 A hollow seed filled with carved elephants (they’re thin wafers of bone)

7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills?    
Jigsaw puzzles and jewelry-making. I used to sing in choirs a lot and crochet.


8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?    
 An escape from the trials of their lives, pleasure, a sense of hope that things can be better.

 9. What inspired you to write The Secret of Flirting 

 From the moment Fulkham showed up as a spymaster in The Study of Seduction, I wanted to write a story about him. He was so very closed up about his life, and I wanted to know why. Also, ever since I wrote about Belgium in What the Duke Desires, I’ve been fascinated with their fight for independence. Besides, what can be better than a long-lost relation to a princess who’s spent her life as an actress and now is asked to be a princess again? I thought that would be fun.

Meet Sabrina Jeffries

More Books by Sabrina
Sabrina Jeffries is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 50 novels and works of short fiction (some written under the pseudonyms Deborah Martin and Deborah Nicholas).
At home in front of a crowd, Jeffries is a sought-after speaker, as evidenced by her 2010 gig as emcee for the National Romance Writers of America’s 30th Anniversary Awards Ceremony.
Whatever time not spent speaking to organizations around the country or writing in a coffee-fueled haze is spent traveling with her husband and adult autistic son or indulging in one of her passions—jigsaw puzzles, chocolate, and music.
With over 9 million books in print in more than 20 languages, the North Carolina author never regrets tossing aside a budding career in academics (she has a Ph.D. in English literature) for the sheer joy of writing fun fiction, and hopes that one day a book of hers will end up saving the world.
She always dreams big. 


The Secret of Flirting

The moment spymaster Baron Fulkham meets the stunning Princess Aurore of Chanay, he’s positive her royal persona is a ruse and that she’s actually Monique Servais, the mysterious actress he met three years before in Dieppe. But as he pursues his suspicions, he uncovers a plot of attempted assassination and betrayal that could very well destroy his career, expose his own secrets…and ruin the woman he’s rapidly coming to love.


Sabrina is giving away an advanced reader copy of The Secret of Flirting (U.S. only) to one lucky commenter!
To enter, simply leave a question or comment about the author's Q&A responses or about her books. Giveaway ends on 03/11/18.

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  1. I was able to read an ARC of this story and it was so awesome! Sabrina writes such great characters and such great stories. (Don't enter me in the contest.)

  2. I love jigsaw puzzles, too! Thanks for the Q&A and I can't wait for the book!

    1. Glad to hear it! Yes, when I'm plotting a book I do jigsaw puzzles with a vengeance.

  3. I've read all of your books (multiple times!). Love 'em all.

  4. I'm a long-time fan and am so excited about this book! Where do you get the inspiration for the names of your characters?

    1. Mostly I use a book entitled the Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names and a book of English surnames. For the titles, I literally make them up and make sure no one has ever used them. I'm not one of those people who associate the name closely with the character before I write the person. But once I start writing, it's hard to change the names.

  5. Love Sabrina's writing SO much!!! It's always fun to find out more about people. :) Thanks for sharing this with us and for the chance to win!

    1. Glad that you enjoyed the interview (and the books, of course)!

  6. I love puzzles! I used to put them together with my Grandma. Although she gave me all her Springbok puzzles, I haven't done one in several years. My cats like to help a little too much! ;)

    1. Everyone with cats tells me that! I went through some years when I couldn't do them because of my autistic son, but he grew out of it, thankfully. He used to scatter the pieces everywhere!

  7. YEs! Another jigsaw puzzle lover! I have a whole closet full of puzzles - I keep telling my husband - it's my retirement just like all my books! I have to do something when I retire! lol Have several of Sabrina's books in my collection. Love her writings! :)

    1. I love jigsaws so much, but I only do them between books when I'm plotting. I have a bookcase full! Glad you enjoy the books!

  8. I enjoy Sabrina's books immensely! It would be an honor to win her ARC. When you visit Italy, Sabrina, go to Rome, Venice, and Florence. Don't eat the eel. They are too oily. :-)

    1. Venice and Florence are the main places I want to visit! How did you guess? I will take your advice about the eel to heart, though. I'm not a big lover of fish. I do enjoy shellfish, however.

  9. So what brought you to writing in the first place? Were you young when you started? What kind of stories do you like to read?

    1. I started writing little pieces when I was in 3rd grade. I wrote poems in high school, and a (terrible) children's book in college, along with some short stories. But I got bored with writing academic stuff after finishing my Ph.D. and wrote a romance novel instead. I never looked back!

    2. A terrible childrens book?? LOL
      Sounds like it was all meant to be....

  10. Clarissa JeffriesMar 5, 2018, 4:39:00 PM

    Sabrina, I've always wanted to ask you. If you had to write any other genre, other than Historical Romance, which one would you choose?

    1. Probably romantic suspense. Or maybe erotica. I like erotica (shh, don't tell my mother). :-)

  11. I too would love to go to Italy. I was there very briefly many many years ago. I am adopted and found out through that I am 44% Italian. Once, and if, I can find any of my relatives I would like to go back to Italy to explore where they came from. Can't wait to read the book!

    1. Italy just seems so romantic! One of these days I'm going to do the DNA thing and find out my heritage. Our family is so scattered that I only know a bit of it (part Cajun and part Irish).

  12. I like Sabrina Jefferies. As for jigsaw puzzles, my niece enjoys them, and I like it better when putting a puzzle with someone to help me.

  13. The St George club was an interesting way to round up some good men. Was that based on anything real?

  14. I read your stories exactly for the reasons you write them. The last year and a half I've been dealing with a husband walking out after 27 years together, lots of other women and a horrible divorce. Books take me away for awhile and help me stay sane and give me hope.

    1. I'm sorry to hear what you're going through, but I'm glad my books can help. We all need a little hope in our lives.

  15. Do you have a favorite jigsaw theme?

    1. Not really. I don't like landscapes, but I do like lots of colors and variety. As long as the picture isn't all one color or something, I'm happy with it. For me, jigsaw puzzles aren't about being challenged--they're a restful way to take my mind off the world so I can figure out my books.

  16. Enjoyed the interview very much; didn’t know some of these tidbits about Sabrina Jeffries. I’m enjoying finding Sabrina’s books, and look forward to this new one.

  17. We just registered for a tour of Italy in October 2018. I love how relaxing doing jigsaw puzzles is. Why did you stop jewelry making and singing?

    1. Well, I still sing around the house. But I don't sing in choirs. No time! Same thing for the jewelry making. Once in a while I do something, though. Mostly earrings.

  18. What make star doing jewelry

    1. Believe it or not, it was my autistic son. He was fascinated with beads and kept breaking my necklaces. So I started fixing them, then redesigning them, then making my own!

  19. Hi, Sabrina!! I would LOVE to win one of your is my birthday, and I can't think of a better present!! ❤ I tried my hand at jewelry making, but I'm not very skilled at it. I probably should have stopped after the yarn and macaroni �� I've been trying to read books on how to write romance books. It's always been my dream to be a writer. I just don't know how to go about it. I envy your talent. I read every book you them all!! I hope you make it to Italy soon! Take lots of pictures, I would love to see it along with you. I'm sure the food alone would make it hard for me to want to come back!!

    1. Oh, yes, the food is one reason I'd like to go! I'm not that skilled at jewelry making either, believe me. I don't have an eye for design. But I like making things.

  20. Sabrina is awesome! She is my favorite regency romance writer. She brings everything to life.

  21. I love the fact about your hobbies . I love puzzles also and do needlework

    1. I used to crochet eons ago. But I kind of lost interest in it.

  22. You said you would like to travel to Italy. Where have you traveled? What was your favorite trip?
    Pat Barraclough library pat AT com cast DOT net

    1. You won! Congrats! Please check your email to claim your prize!
