Mar 7, 2018

Author Spotlight & Giveaway: Sara Dahmen! ~Historical Fiction

Follow Sara Dahmen
*Giveaway!* Easy Entry! U.S. & INTL~Ends 3/18/18
Today’s featured guest is debuting historical fiction author Sara Dahmen!

Learn some fun facts about Sara in this short Q&A. Leave a question on the blog for a chance to win Widow 1881!
1. What genre(s) do you write? 
 Historical Fiction (pioneer), but I also have a non-fiction book on cookware coming out within the year.
2. Coffee or tea lover?  

3. Name one thing on your bucket list.  
 To spend my retirement in Wales. 

4. Do you have pets?     
 Does my kids’ “grow-a-frog” count? 

 5. When I wake up every morning I... lift weights and run around like a crazy person before heading into the metal shop. 

 6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own.   
A 1820’s burring machine for copper and tinsmithing. It still works!!

 7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills?     
 Other than building copper cookware in my garage? Hmmm…I also make a divine stuffed beef tenderloin.

 8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?    
An appreciation for what women had to do in the past, a gratefulness for the advances in medicine, and an overarching realization for what it took to find true happiness while gluing together our civilization.

 9. What inspired you to write Widow1881?

It came to me in a dream. No. Really, it did. And I sat down to write and it came out in 6 weeks.


Meet Sara Dahmen
More Books by Sara Dahmen

Sara Dahmen is a metalsmith of vintage and modern cookware and manufactures pure metal kitchenware in tin, copper, and iron. Her debut novel, Widow 1881, inspired her company, House Copper & Cookware. The cookware is manufactured entirely in America, with most of the copperware made by Sara in her garage in Port Washington. She has published over 100 articles as a contributing editor, has written for Edible and Root + Bone, among others, and spoke at TEDx Rapid City. When not sewing authentic clothing for 1830’s reenactments, she can be found hitting tin and copper at her apprenticeship with a master smith, reading the Economist and reference books, brainstorming with her husband, or playing with her three young children.


Widow 1881

Proper Boston widow Jane Weber moves to the Dakota Territories to reinvent herself and to hide under layers of lies. Stirring up controversy, and going against the grain of her curated sense of propriety, Jane rooms with the last Blackfoot Sioux in Flats Junction. Navigating a mercurial friendship with the fiercely independent grocer, she finds everyone has an untold story, including her unpredictable employer, the town doctor.

Set against a backdrop of the prairie, Widow 1881 is the first of six books in the Flats Junction Series, which focuses on the overarching theme of womanhood: how does the torch pass from wise matriarchs to the next generation? Who were the millions of regular woman who really settled the last frontier? And how do they learn to work together to glue civilization into the heart of the west?


Sara Dahmen is giving away an ebook of Widow 1881 to one U.S. and one International lucky commenters!
To enter, simply leave a question or comment about the author's Q&A responses or about her books. Giveaway ends on 3/18/18.
*If international reader, please say which country you reside in.

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  1. As good as the book sounds, I can’t get over the fact that you make copper cookware! That is fascinating! How did you get started as a metal smith?

    1. Hahaha it’s pretty crazy. The book inspired it!! I realized so much of what was done back in the 1880’s isn’t available so I wanted to make them again. And from there it spiraled into an apprenticeship (still ongoing!) and making cookware from scratch. It’s wicked fun but really dirty work. :)

  2. The cover of the book is so intriguing. It’s mysterious, elegant, vintage yet modern! Simply beautiful!

    1. Thank you! They did a really lovely job - I just asked for era appropriate clothing and to see her face. But the cover designer was stellar. I'm so glad you like it!

  3. I love that the story idea came to you in a dream, and that it only took you 6 weeks to finish. That, along with the coppersmithing is more than a tad awe inspiring!

    1. Thank you :). But know my edits took months and months and months and months!! :)

  4. All very interesting. Thanks so much for sharing your interview answers!!
    Do you sell your copper wares? Or just for fun?? And I bet it is fun!!
    Do you add designs to them? Do you make lids for them?
    So cool!!!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed! And yes I sell the copperware. The things I make are at or the vintage pieces can be viewed at Backwoods Tin & Copper which is my master’s business. (It’s so odd to say “my master” in this day and age!) it is fun but a lot of work!! Some pieces can have designs and some have lids :)

  5. You are a beautiful author & person. I love everything about you! Your cookware is fabulous, your books are fantastic & I need a copy of your book!!

    1. Congratulations, Tiajuana! You are the winner of Sara Dahmen's giveaway! You have until March 31 to claim your prize. Please leave me your email here in the comments.

  6. Awww thank you!! You are wonderful too Tiajuana!! You do need a copy!! :)

  7. book sounds fascinating.definitely have to check it and your next one out!

    1. I hope you do! Flame is going to really educate about cookware but in the way we’d chat in a cafe. :) and honestly I’m most excited about the second book in the Flats Junction series (the one after Widow). :)
