Mar 2, 2018

YA Author Spotlight & GIveaway: Patty Blount!

*Giveaway!* Easy Entry! U.S. only~Ended 03/11/18 Theresa S. is the winner!
Today’s featured guest is Young Adult author  Patty Blount!
Follow Patty Blount
Learn some fun facts about Patty in this short Q&A. Leave a question on the blog for a chance to win The Way It Hurts!
1. What genre(s) do you write? 
 I write young adult and contemporary romance, mostly, but I've got some ideas for romantic suspsense and horror I can't wait to tackle. ​
2. Coffee or tea lover?     
Um, neither? I don't like coffee, tea, or soda. I drink flavored ice tea occasionally, but I adore all things chocolate.

3. Name one thing on your bucket list.  
 We were JUST talking about our bucket lists tonight. On mine? I really want to ride in a private jet once in my life. To me, that's the ultimate!

4. Do you have pets?    
 Not right now and I'm sad. I can't convince my husband to let me get a puppy. ​

 5. When I wake up every morning I... look out the window and make sure the world is exactly as I left it. This goes back to a nightmare I had when I was a kid in which I go to sleep with green trees and blue sky and wake up to nuclear winter. Every morning since I was about ten years old, I look out the window and make sure it's not real. ​

 6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own.    
 Well, let me preface this by saying, "I'm old." I grew up in the eighties when big hair and crazy clothes were popular. One thing I still have from way back then is a painted denim jacket. People used to paint album covers on the back of their jackets. Still got my Led Zeppelin one. ​

7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills?      
I'm a pretty good baker. Every holiday, I get requests for my Italian Rainbow cookies.

8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?     
 My stories have an edge. I hope they'll make people reading them kind of mad, actually. I find when people are mad is when they take action. A story like THE WAY IT HURTS should upset you and make you uncomfortable before you finish it. ​

9. What inspired you to write The Way It Hurts?  
I was inspired to write THE WAY IT HURTS after a number of Twitter wars erupted a few years ago. Someone posts something that's a bit clue less or maybe a LOT clueless and then, half a million people try to tell that person where they messed up. Sometimes, this call out culture does great things. Others, it's just a form of bullying. I try to show both of those perspectives in this book. ​ 

Meet Patty Blount

More books by Patty

 Patty Blount grew up quiet and invisible in Queens, NY, but found her voice writing smart and strong characters willing to fight for what’s right. Today, she’s the award-winning author of edgy, emotional contemporary romance. Powered by way too much chocolate, Patty gives a voice to characters facing realistic situations like rape (SOME BOYS, 2014), bullying (SEND, 2012), and grief (NOTHING LEFT TO BURN, 2015). She enjoys hearing from her readers so visit her website or follow her on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

The Way It Hurts


There may be two sides to every story, but sometimes there's only one way to set things right...

Music is Elijah's life. His band plays loud and hard, and he'll do anything to get them a big break. He needs that success to help take care of his sister, who has special needs. So he'd rather be practicing when his friends drag him to a musical in the next town...until the lead starts to sing.

Kristen dreams of a career on stage like her grandmother's. She knows she needs an edge to get into a competitive theater program--and being the star in her high school musical isn't going to cut it. The applause and the attention only encourage her to work harder.

Elijah can't take his eyes off of Kristen's performance, and snaps a photo of her in costume that he posts online with a comment that everybody misunderstands. It goes viral. Suddenly, Elijah and Kristen are in a new spotlight as the online backlash spins out of control. And the consequences are bigger than they both could have ever imagined because these threats don't stay online...they follow them into real life.


Winner is Theresa S!

Patty Blount is giving away an ebook of The Way It Hurts, (U.S. only) to one lucky commenter!

To enter, simply leave a question or comment about the author's Q&A responses or about her books. Giveaway ends on 03/11/18.

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  1. This books sounds good! I love your comment on wanting to get readers mad. I notice I am more invested in a story when it illicits strong emotions from me. I look forward to reading books by you!

  2. Yay! Thank you, Jessica. I hope you'll 'get mad' at them :) LOL.

  3. Hi Patty!! This book sounds interesting and oh so timely. I love your contempory books as I've read a number of them.

    1. Thanks, Eileen! I am so excited to hear this. :)

  4. But where would that private jet be headed?? That's a great bucket list item. And I am adding it to mine.

    1. oooo, let's see. How about to my private island?

      Or, wait! How about to Hollywood to my own production studio, where all of my books are being adapted for the big screen? Of course, I'll have to jet out to the west coast so my people could meet with their people...lunch with George and Alma :) :) :)

  5. I like that your books make you think!!! I'm really looking forward to this one as I agree with you when it comes to the call-outs on twitter. So much of it leans to the bullying side (in my opinion) there is such a fine line.... I try to pay attention to a lot of it as I have learned much myself.
    LOVE your jacket!!!!

    1. It really is a fine line. I try to always be aware of that.

    2. Congrats Theresa! You won Patty Blount's giveaway! Please leave an email in the comments to claim your prize!

    3. You have until March 31st to claim your prize. If not, another winner will be chosen. Hope to hear from you soon!

  6. your jacket is awesome. your book sounds very interesting. you are a new to me author.
