Sep 13, 2018

Fun Fact Challenge Giveaway with Kristal Hollis!

 We had such a fabulous time at Romance, Wine & Chocolate! #RWC18 Getting to meet this year's RWC '18's stellar group of authors was an amazing experience!
To continue the fun, I'll share 10 posts starting on Sept 4th until the 13th, giving you a chance to guess which Fun Fact belongs to each of the 10 RWC authors. I'll throw mine in for fun!

Can you guess which Fun Fact belongs to Kristal Hollis
Follow Kristal Hollis
 Choices are: 

  1. Knife Thrower
  2. Lived in Germany
  3. Appears in the movie The Notebook
  4. Lived in Commune 
  5. Met Superman
  6. Trained Massage Therapist
  7. Internet Ordained Minister
  8. Tried Stand-up Comedy
  9. Speech Therapist
  10. Resuscitated a lizard
  11. Raised Chinchillas
 You can make two guesses. Okay, three. :-) 
 Please make sure you enter the Rafflecopter below. Then come back and post your responses in the comments. 
 Captivated By The She-Wolf
by Kristal Hollis
Giveaway ends 9/16/18 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

On Sept. 17th I'll select winners from Rafflecopter and share on each author's page the winner, and reveal the author's  Fun Fact with a brief description in the comments. 

🙂 If you enjoy Lorelei's Lit Lair and this post Subscribe here: Never Miss a Giveaway & Post!. Please note that some cover images and text links connect to a Lorelei’s Lit Lair affiliate portal. Thank you so much for your support. It’s greatly appreciated.


  1. I think I might be too late, but I will guess 1, 5 & 11....

  2. Kristal Hollis's Fun Fact is #10 Resuscitated a lizard! Kristal shares:
    "I'm a rescuer. Dogs, cats, rabbits, squirrels...and there was one time when I rescued a lizard. I have a habit of leaving the glass doors to the backyard open. One day, a lizard got brave and darted into the house. Normally when this happens, I scoop them up and put them back outside. But, this particular lizard wasn't ready to return to the wild and decided to camp out behind the stove. He wouldn't come out no matter what I tried, so I left him there figuring he'd eventually come out. Days, maybe weeks later (I have no sense of time), I came home and found the lizard shriveled up on my kitchen counter. Severely dehydrated, he appeared to have been making his way to the sink for water but never made it. I quickly placed him on some dampened paper towels, filled a dropper with water and took him outside. After a few drops of water into his mouth and soft compressions (using my finger) to his chest, the little lizard began breathing. He began actively swallowing the water and a few minutes later he had enough strength to roll over onto his belly. Not long after, he was perky enough to scurry into the bushes. Occasionally, I would see him in the yard but he never attempted to enter the house again."

  3. Wow, that is crazy. Awesome that you knew what to do!
