Sep 4, 2018

Fun Fact Challenge Giveaway with Priscilla Oliveras!

  We had such a fabulous time at Romance, Wine & Chocolate! #RWC18 Getting to meet this year's RWC '18's stellar group of authors was an amazing experience!
To continue the fun, I'll share 10 posts starting on Sept 4th until the 13th, giving you a chance to guess which Fun Fact belongs to each of the 10 RWC authors. I'll throw mine in for fun!

Can you guess which Fun Fact belongs to Priscilla Oliveras?

Follow Priscilla Oliveras
Choices are: 

    1. Knife Thrower
    2. Lived in Germany
    3. Appears in the movie The Notebook
    4. Lived in Commune 
    5. Met Superman
    6. Trained Massage Therapist
    7. Internet Ordained Minister
    8. Tried Stand-up Comedy
    9. Speech Therapist
    10. Resuscitated a lizard
    11. Raised Chinchillas
       You can make two guesses. Okay, three. :-) 
       Please make sure you enter the Rafflecopter below. Then come back and post your responses in the comments. 
      Priscilla Oliveras Spotlight Q&A

      Match to Perfection series
       by Priscilla Oliveras
      Giveaway ends 9/16/18
      a Rafflecopter giveaway
      On Sept. 17th I'll select winners from Rafflecopter and share on each author's page the winner, and reveal the author's  Fun Fact with a brief description in the comments. 

      🙂 If you enjoy Lorelei's Lit Lair and this post Subscribe here: Never Miss a Giveaway & Post!. Please note that some cover images and text links connect to a Lorelei’s Lit Lair affiliate portal. Thank you so much for your support. It’s greatly appreciated.


      1. Hi Pris! Hope you enjoyed Decatur. SO great to see you again and I enjoyed meeting your sweet parents.

        1. Hola Sarah!! It was wonderful to catch up with each other at this year's RWC! Hope we can get together again soon! Hugs, Pris

        2. Hi Priscilla, it was very nice to meet and chat with you😍

        3. I do not know why I am unknown.Lol
          YOU ARE NUMBER 3...Henny

      2. I would guess 1, 2, 6, 7 and 10

        1. Sue,
          I'm totally squeamish and not a big fan of snakes, lizards and other creepy crawly I can promise that me resuscitating a lizard is not a good bet. ;-)

      3. #3 Appears in the movie The Notebook

      4. I think I have to wait until the contest closes to come back and reveal which fun fact is mine. But rest assured, I promise to share then! :-)

      5. Priscilla Oliveras Fun Fact is #3: Appears in the movie The Notebook! Priscilla shared:
        "It’s not very often that you respond to a radio station’s call for locals interested in being in a movie, not sure exactly what it will entail, and then find yourself going in for a costume fitting, sitting in hair and makeup, and getting tapped to flirt (briefly, but I’ll take it) with Ryan Gosling. Right?

        Being an extra in “The Notebook” was definitely a cool experience. And every once in a while, I’ll get a text from one of my girls with a screenshot from the movie, playing on their TV, and a note with something like “Hi Mom!” or “That’s my mom!” Makes my day! ☺"

      6. Thanks to all who participated in the Fun Fact Challenge! Hope you enjoyed the game. Please keep in touch via social media, and if you'd like to sign up for my monthly News & Notes email, head to my website and submit your info. Wishing you many hours of blissful reading!


      7. Oh, that is too cool that you got to be in that iconic movie!
