Aug 4, 2018

Romance, Wine & Chocolate '18 Author Spotlight Q&A with Kerry Evelyn!

In August we begin a series of 10 Author Spotlights with a brief Q&A introducing each of the amazing authors attending  Romance, Wine & Chocolate '18 on August 31st in Orlando, FL.  Registration is FULL, but check for cancellations at
Author #4: Get to know a little more about today's featured author, the delightful, Kerry Evelyn
Books by Kerry Evelyn

Kerry Evelyn has always been fascinated by people and the backstories that drive them to do what they do. A native of the Massachusetts SouthCoast, she changed her latitude in 2002 and is now a crazy blessed wife and homeschooling mom in Orlando. She loves God, books of all kinds, traveling,
taking selfies, sweet drinks, and escaping into her imagination, where every child is happy and healthy, every house has a library, and her hubby wears coattails and a top hat 24/7.

Enjoy this Q&A about Kerry Evelyn:

1. What genre(s) do you write?
Inspirational Romantic Suspense novels and whimsical paranormal short stories

2. Coffee or tea lover? 
 Both; coffee in the morning, tea at night.

3. Name one thing on your bucket list. 
I’d love to visit and explore Bavaria, especially castle Neuschwanstein

4. Do you have pets?
Not currently. 10 cat angels and 1 dog angel have crossed the rainbow bridge.

5. When I wake up every morning a devotion and check my phone for messages.

​6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own. 
I have American Girl Samantha Parkington’s complete original collection. I started with collecting the books in 1986, when I was in 3rd grade, and added to it until she was retired (the first time) in 2009. My daughter has picked up where I left off, collecting her Be Forever edition items.

​7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills? 
Friends tell me have a talent for taking selfies!

8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories? 
I’d love to inspire and entertain readers, as well as help them gain understanding of people who may look okay on the outside but are suffering on the inside. I want to show them how real people with real issues use God in their everyday life to help navigate the hard stuff life throws at you to get their happily ever afters. 

9. What inspired you to write Love on The Edge
I was consulting with a military friend about problems I was having with the A-Team I had created for a WW2 historical novel. He told me it wouldn't work, and asked me to write something that he could give to his wife that would help her understand why it was easier for him to die for her over there than to live for her over here. I told him I couldn't write that story, and I continued to try to write the historical. But I couldn't get his words out of my head. I finally decided to dump all the ideas, images, and characters that had appeared in my head. Scenes and vignettes started to take shape, and before I knew it, I had material for a full-length novel. I'm awed by it to this day. 

Lanie Owens has just survived a horrific attack by a stalker. Her grandfather, a retired army colonel, drives her to a resort in Maine where she can heal in peace while the authorities track down the man who almost killed her. To Lanie's dismay, he hires a bodyguard to protect her. Lanie's nightmares are debilitating, but giving up control of her life is unacceptable.
Army Ranger Matt Saunders knows all about nightmares. He's spent the last year recovering from an injury he sustained during his last tour and the hellish events that caused it. Anxious to prove that he is fit to go back overseas, he accepts the bodyguard job. The resort is everything they imagined - tranquil, safe, and a place to heal. Gradually, they open up to each other and realize they have a lot in common - except their future plans. When a resort video goes viral, Lanie's stalker knows just where to find her. Can they battle their personal demons in time to come together to fight the very real threat coming to destroy her? 

Friends! Are you attending Romance, Wine, & Chocolate '18? Have you in the past? Do you enjoy Inspirational Romance? Are you a fan of Kerry Evelyn or is she new to you? Do tell!

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  1. Oh oh oh!!! New name to me. I will definitely look her up! Disappointed the was no picture of her husband!! ! Lol

    1. LOL! I'm still waiting for the top hat! But he wore tails for our wedding. If you message me through my Facebook page, I'll send you a pic!

  2. Sounds like a really emotional read! Congrats!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ha! Guess I should have edited my response instead of deleted! This looks bad, whoops!

  4. Thank you, Sue! It is emotional, but hopeful. My latest review on Goodreads is my favorite. It hits everything I aimed for:
