May 1, 2018

Author Spotlight Q&A and Excerpt: A Duke Like No Other by Valerie Bowman!

First comes love, then comes marriage. Unless it’s the other way around. . .

General Mark Grimaldi has sacrificed everything for his military career, working his way through the ranks without the benefit of a nobleman’s title. Now, his years of dedication are about to pay off—with an offer for a prestigious promotion to Home Secretary. There’s only one condition: Mark must be married. Aside from the small matter of not actually wanting to be wed, Mark faces another troubling problem: he already has a wife.

Nicole Huntington Grimaldi has spent ten contented years in France without her husband—and without regret. When Mark asks her to return to London and play the part of his beloved wife, she sees her chance. But neither of them is prepared for news that will throw Mark’s future into chaos…nor the undeniable desire they’ve rekindled. Maybe happily-ever-after can happen the second time around in A Duke Like No Other, the next Regency romance from Valerie Bowman.

Valerie Bowman’s Playful Brides novels are:

“Wholly satisfying.”—USA Today

“Smart and sensual…readers will be captivated.”—RT Book Reviews

"Smoldering.” —Booklist

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Q&A with Valerie Bowman

Q: How did you come up with the story of the reluctant duke that is Mark Grimaldi?
A: Mark actually first appeared in Playful Brides book #4, The Irresistible Rogue and then again in book #7, Never Trust a Pirate. He’s the spymaster who works with the heroes of those books, twins Rafe and Cade Cavendish. The more Mark’s character was revealed, the more I wanted to write his book. I really loved the idea of making him a duke somehow even though is father was Italian. Once I began thinking about what he wanted most (his next promotion) and what he wanted least (ties to his mother’s aristocratic side of the family), I thought of lots of great ways to make things difficult for him before he gets his happily ever after.
Q: Was the fact that Mark is so contrary intentional?
A: Yes. Mark is a general. He’s used to being in charge and doing whatever he wants. He has to learn to overcome that aspect of his personality if he’s going to make it work with his long lost wife, Nicole, who isn’t going to put up with his domineering ways.
Q: The crime plot seems to hail back to Agatha Christie's novels. Is she an influence to you? If not, what other crime authors are?
A: Agatha Christie is fantastic, but the truth is that I love true crime! I watch it. I read it. I can’t get enough. I’ve seen a lot of things that would be totally unbelievable in a book but REALLY happened.
Q: Mark and Nicole aren't young as historicals go, which is very refreshing. Why do you think there aren't many historical romances with mature protagonists? Do you think there should be?
A: I see readers talking about this a lot on blogs and social media…specifically that they don’t want to read about an eighteen-year-old heroine, and I get that, so I do try to mix up the ages in my books when it makes sense. The issue with historicals is that most young ladies were making their debuts at that age (or near it) so it can also be unrealistic to other readers who are sticklers for historical accuracy. I’ve written both younger and older heroes and heroines and will continue to do that.
Q: If Mark and Oakleaf were living in our world today, do you think they would have been feminist allies?
A: Yes! Definitely. Why am I so certain? Because I like to write intelligent men and I think any men alive today, who are intelligent, are feminist allies.
Q: Will Regina and Oakleaf have their own book?
A: Yes! It’s already written. It’s called Kiss Me at Christmas and comes out this fall. I’m editing it now. I’ve had so much fun with them.
Q: Do you have any future project(s) you could speak of? What can readers expect from you in the near future?
A: In the near future, Kiss Me at Christmas (Book #10 of the Playful Brides series) will be out at the end of October 2018 and the final book of the series, Delilah and Thomas’s book, will be out in May 2019.
Q: What do you enjoy the most about the writing process from the moment you have an idea to the moment when the book is out and in your readers' hands?
A:  My favorite part is when I wake up in the middle of the night with an idea so good I have to get up and write it down. When that happens it’s like magic. A gift from the universe. One I’m always grateful for.
Q: What was the most useful advice you've gotten or lesson you've learnt from another writer or from reviewers/critics?
A: Goodness. There’s so much. I’m a member of Romance Writers of America and they’ve taught me more than I can say. Lately, I’ve been really into some advice I heard from author Damon Suede. He said each character should have their own verb. In A Duke Like No Other, I think Mark’s verb would be to control and Nicole’s would be to thwart, which makes for terrific friction!
Q: What was the most uplifting praise or comment you've ever gotten from a reader?
A: I’m never more humbled or happy than when a reader tells me they were up all night reading because they couldn’t put down my book. As far as I’m concerned, there is no greater compliment for a writer than that.
Q: When you're taking a day/week/month off what do you like to do? What do you do to "charge batteries"?
A: I always enjoy a good spa day, but mostly I’m a big home body who just wants to be home with my family including my two mini Schnauzers, Huckleberry and Violet.
Q: What do you do to battle writer’s block?
A: I’ve always found that writer’s block melts away if you just sit down and start working.
Q: What is the most satisfying thing or things about being a published writer?
A: Having someone tell you that your book got them through a difficult time in their life. That’s the reason I began writing, because romance did that for me. I just want to pass that along.
Q: Do you have a final message to give to your readers?

A: Oh, thank you for asking. I’d love to personally thank each and every person who has ever picked up one of my books and read. I know your time is valuable and you have many choices and I never take that for granted. Thank you for trusting me with your time.

VALERIE BOWMAN grew up in Illinois with six sisters (she’s number seven) and a huge supply of historical romance novels. After a cold and snowy stint earning a degree in English with a minor in history at Smith College, she moved to Florida the first chance she got. Valerie now lives in Jacksonville with her family including her mini-schnauzer, Huckleberry. When she’s not writing, she keeps busy reading, traveling, or vacillating between watching crazy reality TV and PBS. She is the author of the Secret Brides and Playful Brides series.
Twitter: @Valeriegbowman
Facebook @ValerieBowmanAuthor


Mark quirked his mouth into a half smile. Nicole had always been direct. It was one of the things that had first drawn him to her. She wasn’t about to let him get away with arriving unannounced without admitting that he wanted something. Good, because he liked to be direct too. “You’re right. I do want something from you.”
“Say it.” She crossed one leg over the other and for the life of him he couldn’t stop staring at how those breeches hugged her long legs. Outside, he’d been slightly obsessed with how they hugged another part of her anatomy. And that shirt . . . the one that was exposing her chest in a way that made the back of his neck sweat. Leave it to Nicole to have her hair down and to be wearing breeches while riding around a French château on a horse named Atalanta. She’d been besting the comte in the race they’d been engaged in. That was also like her. She adored competition and hated to lose at anything. If he had any hope of her saying yes to his proposal, he needed to make certain he didn’t become her adversary . . . again.
He glanced around the drawing room. Outfitted in rose and cream silks with the occasional hint of green, the room was tastefully decorated. The château itself was large and well appointed without being ostentatious. She had access to his money but had never spent a shilling of it. No, this was all a result of her own money or her family’s.
He spread his arms wide along the back of the settee. “No reminiscing? No catching up? No discussing the good times?”
Her dark red eyebrow inched even higher. “Were there good times? I seem to recall those being few and far between.”
“There were a few.” In bed. He tugged at his collar.
She poked at the chignon on the back of her head. Only she could make a quickly put-together hair arrangement look effortlessly gorgeous. Several tendrils of the long red locks fell to frame her face, which wore a decidedly disgruntled look. “Out with it. I’m quite busy. I’m attending a dinner party this evening and I must dress.”
Mark bit the inside of his cheek but ultimately he couldn’t keep the comment that had sprung to his lips to himself. “A cleaner pair of breeches?” Damn, she looked good in those breeches. She looked good altogether. Better than good. The years had been kind to her. The fresh-faced plumpness of her cheeks had given way to a slenderness that made her cheekbones prominent. Her lips were still full and pink and inviting. Her hair luxurious, soft and smooth. Her eyes looked more world-weary, to be sure, but their sea-foam-green depths were still astute and intelligent. Her body was still trim and fit. Her thighs looked even fitter, probably from riding astride. Ahem. What he wouldn’t give to see those thighs once more, to have them wrapped tightly around his—
“Despite my present appearance, I do own a gown or two.” Her words snapped him out of his indecent line of thought. She gave him another tight smile.
He stood, crossed to the nearby sideboard, and poured himself a brandy. “Going to meet the comte again?”
“Careful,” came her throaty voice from the settee. “It’s nearly sounding as if you’re jealous.”
Still facing the sideboard, he cocked his head to the side. “Jealous? Whatever does that word mean?”
“The comte is a friend, nothing more.” Her voice sounded dismissive. He didn’t believe her, however.
Mark splashed more brandy into his glass. “I’m certain you’d tell me if he weren’t.”
“I’m certain you’d care.”
Mark turned back toward her and took a healthy swig of his drink. “A man doesn’t like to think of his wife in the bed of another.”
She actually rolled her eyes at that comment. “Oh, you’ve been celibate all these years then?” she countered, her voice dripping with skepticism.
He had been, but he’d die a slow death back in the French prison camp before he told her that. However, he wasn’t so unrealistic as to think Nicole would have remained untouched. They had agreed to part ways, hadn’t seen each other in ten years. She was a beautiful woman in the prime of her life. Still, the notion of punching the comte dead in the face held a great deal of appeal at the moment. “I’ve never been one to kiss and tell, love.”
She gave him a tight smile, which clearly indicated she didn’t believe him, either. “You’re a general now?” she asked abruptly, clearly ready to change the subject.
“I am.” He moved to the window and looked out across the lavender fields, one arm held behind his ramrod-straight back as if he were surveying a battlefield. The stance was still comfortable for him even after all these years of working for the Home Office.
“I suppose congratulations are in order.” The tea arrived and Nicole poured a cup for herself and splashed in a liberal amount of cream. He remembered that about her. She took her tea with no sugar, just cream.
“No congratulations needed,” he intoned, taking another swig of brandy.
The silver spoon she used to stir her tea clinked against the delicate china teacup. “I must admit, I’ve often wondered when I’d get a missive that you’d been killed.”
His chuckle was humorless. He turned to face her. “Such little faith in me? Or wishful thinking?”
“Neither,” she replied, lifting the cup to her pink lips. “Just a profound knowledge of how reckless you are.”
He inclined his head. “Used to be.”
“Really?” She raised a brow. “Is that why you’ve come? To tell me you’ve changed?”
He chuckled. “I haven’t changed that much.”
“I’m not surprised.” She set down her teacup and crossed her arms over her chest. “Tell me, Mark, why have you come?”
He saluted her with his glass, the amber-colored liquid shining in the afternoon sunlight. “You were right. I need a favor from you.”
She didn’t so much as bat an eyelash. “Of course you do. What’s the favor?” She picked up her cup once more and took a sip.
He downed the final splash of brandy and met her gaze. “I need you to return to England with me for a few months and pretend to be my loving wife.”

Copyright © 2018 by Valerie BowmanA in A Duke Like No Other and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Paperbacks. 

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  1. I was asked to read an ARC of this book and it was wonderful! I just loved the push and pull between Mark and Nicole! 5 star read!!!!!

    1. Yay! I love Valerie Bowman’s fun stories ❤️ So happy you enjoyed this one! Thanks for stopping by!
