May 2, 2018

Author Spotlight & Giveaway: Samantha Chase!

*Giveaway!* Easy Entry! U.S. and Canada only~Ends 5/13/18
Today’s featured author is the amazing Samantha Chase!
Follow Samantha Chase

 Learn some fun facts about Samantha in this short Q&A. Leave a question on the blog for a chance to win a signed copy of Until There Was Us
1. What genre(s) do you write? 
I write sweet and sexy contemporary romances.

2. Coffee or tea lover?
I’m sure an angry mob is going to come after me for this, but…neither. LOL!! If I drink anything hot, it’s hot chocolate. Makes me husband crazy!!

3. Name one thing on your bucket list.

To walk the red carpet at a big event! Hopefully a movie for one of my books! 
4. Do you have pets?
I have the sassiest pug, Maylene. 

5. When I wake up every morning I...​Wish I had more sleep. Lol! No, I usually stay in bed and check emails. Boring, right?

6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own.
We have a hockey stick signed by Wayne Gretzky. My husband built a special display case for it and everything. Our older son is constantly trying to make deals with us so he can have it.
I also have a weird fascination with Disney picture frames. We’ve been to WDW a lot and every time we go, I get a new frame. It’s a little weird but they are scattered all over the house. This picture is just a small sampling. LOL!

7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills?
I used to LOVE to scrapbook. I have an entire closet full of supplies and pictures that I’ve neglected for the last five years, but I would eventually love to get back to it. Other than that, I’m pretty boring. Still love reading in my spare time.
8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?
I want them to be able to escape from their own world for a little while and become so involved in the story that the characters feel like part of their own family or at the very least, like they’re friends. 

9. What inspired you to write UNTIL THERE WAS US?
I really thought I was done with the Montgomery series, but I still felt like there were more stories to tell. The hero – Alex Rebat – was in the last Montgomery book, I’LL BE THERE, and really, he had hero bait written all over him. So basically, I HAD to give him a story! And once I knew that, I knew he had to be paired up with a Montgomery cousin and I had mentioned Megan in an earlier story as well so it made sense to pair them up.

More books by Samantha Chase
Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
I have a reader group that I just started this year where we’ll be doing monthly book chats:  Samantha Chase Facebook Group
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  Until There Was Us  

He'll have to play his cards just right for her to take a chance on him...
Megan Montgomery has always been careful...except that one time she threw caution to the wind and hooked up with a sexy groomsman at her cousin's wedding. But that was two years ago—so why can't she stop thinking about Alex Rebat?
Alex has been living the good life. He loves his job, has a great circle of friends, and doesn't answer to anyone. The problem? There's only one woman he wants and she ran out on him after one amazing weekend. But now that Megan's coming back to town, Alex hopes he can convince her to take another chance on him...and on a future that can only be built together.



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  1. That book sounds so good, thanks for the chance to win it.

    I love Samantha's picture frames.

  2. I'm like you, I love to scrapbook, but haven't spent much time doing it lately. I wish I could devote one day a week, for just a few hours.

    1. I used to keep stuff set up on the dining room table for a week at a time when I was doing it. Haven't taken it out since we moved into this house almost 5 years ago. I miss it!! Plus, I'd love to have that closet back!!

    2. I actually have a room in our basement that is all mine and set up with everything. The sad part is that it would be very easy to just go down for a little bit since I don't have to put anything away, but I never do.

  3. The RWA2019 is in NY...Are you going to that one..I need to start saving now so I can go :)
    Patricia Bennett Barber

  4. I love your books Samantha and like you the only hot drink I have is hot cocoa. Since many of your books are family based did you come from a large family or extended family?

    1. Thanks, Eileen!! Fun fact: No. Lol! I have one sister, but at one point my parents both remarried and I had multiple step-siblings - 4 stepbrothers and 1 stepsister. Then those marriages failed so it's back to me and my sister.

  5. Do you have a favorite hot chocolate?

    1. U sued to LOVE Starbucks hot chocolate but I think they've changed something in the last year because it's not as good anymore. I had gotten some dark chocolate hot chocolate (say that 10 times fast!) from a reader in Canada that was FANTASTIC but now I can't remember the name!!

  6. I'm with you on hot chocolate. Your books sounds great. Love the cover.

  7. Congrats Samantha on your new Montgomery book! *throws confetti* Are you and your family big hockey fans and did your husband get to meet Gretzky to get the stick signed?

    1. We are NY Ranger fans and the stick was gift from my dad who got it at a sports auction!

    2. Oh that's such a cool gift! Ah, too bad your Rangers didn't make the playoffs this year. I have my fingers crossed for my Jets to go far!!!

  8. I love all your Disney frames and that you love hot chocolate!! Having Maylene in this book was so fun. Maybe we will see her again in another book. That would be awesome!!

    1. I may put her in one more - we only have two more Montgomery books so she'll pop up again I'm sure!

  9. interesting dog pic

  10. Our daughter is a hot chocolate person. She HAS to start her day with one. She is in law school and just finished finals. There were several 2 hot chocolate mornings. Her daughter knows her well and has copied the habit. So mom has her rich, dark chocolate and her 6 year old has her Nesquik. She does like a cup of hot tea, just not to start her day. I hope you get to walk the Red Carpet for one of your books some day.
