Mar 26, 2018

Author Spotlight & Giveaway: Nika Rhone!

Nika Rhone
*Giveaway!* Easy Entry! U.S. only~Ends 4/8/18
Happy Release Day to Nika Rhone! Learn some fun facts about Nika in this short Q&A. Leave a question on the blog for a chance to win Can't Help Loving You!

1. What genre(s) do you write?
So far, it’s all been contemporary, but I’ve got ideas swirling in the back of my brain for both historical and paranormal that I won’t be able to ignore much longer.

2. Coffee or tea lover?
Tea. Lots and LOTS of tea.

3. Name one thing on your bucket list.

Visiting the pyramids in Egypt. Archaeology in general has always fascinated me, but places like Luxor and Hatshepsut’s Temple are my crack.

4. Do you have pets? 

We have one old guy named Rebel, who unfortunately has always lived up to his name. LOL. He’s a rescue dog we think is a hound/retriever mix, who knows exactly how to work the whole cute-dog look for maximum biscuit effect, especially when I’m trying to read.

5. When I wake up every morning I... Make a cup of tea and sit down at my computer to write. I’m a creature of habit, so I find I can’t write at any other time of the day. Unless, of course, it’s the middle of the night and a character wakes me up because they just won’t shut up. Then I have no choice. *g*

​6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own. ​
I still have the small stone scarab and metal ankh (there’s that Egyptian thing again) I got from a museum gift shop as a kid. I can’t keep from misplacing my car keys every other day, but those two things I’ve managed to hang onto for over 40 years.

7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills?
Reading is my hobby, although my husband would say it’s my vice. As for skills, I wish. I always wanted to learn how to knit or quilt, but I just don’t have the knack (or maybe the patience?) for either.

8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?
I’d love for them to fall in love with the characters as much as I have, to feel their highs and lows with them. I love when a book can make me laugh or cry or get that angsty pang in the middle of my chest. If my readers do any of those things, then I’ve done my job right.

9. What inspired you to write Can't Help Loving You?
This is the third book in the Boulder Bodyguards series, and the hardest one to write because Lillian is such a different character from her best friends in the first 2 books. She’s bold, brash, impulsive, and has a joie de vivre that was almost exhausting to keep up with once the words started coming, but now that the book is done, I kind of miss her.

Meet Nika Rhone

More Books by Nika

Nika Rhone spent her childhood wearing out library cards as she read her way through the extraordinary worlds far beyond her small hometown on Long Island, NY. By her teens, her imagination was taking her places all on its own, forcing her to learn how to type (badly) so she could get all the stories down on paper. After a long love affair with science fiction and fantasy, she finally discovered romance, fell head-over-heels, and now spends her days crafting happily-ever-afters for the characters who still tell their stories faster (and better) than she can type them.


Can't Help Loving You


Artist Lillian Beaumont loves her free-spirited lifestyle. Her family...not so much. But she has a plan to follow her artistic dreams and still make them proud. If she can resist the distraction of her brooding neighbor with the gorgeous eyes and yummy Latin looks.

Police officer Rafael Delgado struggles to put both his shattered leg and life back together. Fantasizing about his sexy neighbor while he recovers would be a lot more enjoyable if she wasn’t forbidden fruit. But after acts of vandalism finds him acting as her unofficial bodyguard, he’s suddenly presented with the very temptation he’s tried so hard to avoid.

When their simmering attraction boils over into steamy romance, Rafe and Lillian find that despite all the reasons they shouldn’t be together, only one thing can keep them apart – the person who won’t stop until all of Lillian’s dreams go up in smoke. 

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Giveaway ends on 04/08/18

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  1. i think your dog is adorable. like his name, too. like ur unique pieces you own. i actually have an ankh that my Dad made out of silver for me to wear.

    1. Thank you, Nova! If only he didn't know he was so darn cute! LOL! I love that your dad made you the ankh. I used to wear mine for years, but the loop started to wear thin and I was afraid of losing it.

  2. That would be fun to see the pyramids in Egypt. My aunt and uncle actually went there about 10 years ago.

    1. Hi Sue! I'm totally jealous of your aunt and uncle. Maybe someday... *sigh*

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Mary! Usually I like English Breakfast, but sometimes I mix it up and go with Earl Grey. How about you?

  4. I agree that seeing the Pyramids in Egypt would be fun. I love how you still have keepsakes but lose your keys.

    1. Hi Eileen! Yeah, I think I need to put a hook next to the front door for those pesky keys. LOL. Of course, that would mean I'd have to remember to put them there...

  5. You had me at Lots and lots of tea!! Haha! Happy release day!!
