Sep 11, 2018

Fun Fact Challenge Giveaway with Judy McDonough!

  We had such a fabulous time at Romance, Wine & Chocolate! #RWC18 Getting to meet this year's RWC 18's stellar group of authors was an amazing experience!
To continue the fun, I'll share 10 posts starting on Sept 4th until the 13th, giving you a chance to guess which Fun Fact belongs to each of the 10 RWC authors. I'll throw mine in for fun!
Can you guess which Fun Fact belongs to Judy McDonough?
Follow Judy McDonough
 Choices are: 

  1. Knife Thrower
  2. Lived in Germany
  3. Appears in the movie The Notebook
  4. Lived in Commune 
  5. Met Superman
  6. Trained Massage Therapist 
  7.  Internet Ordained Minister
  8. Tried Stand-up Comedy
  9. Speech Therapist
  10. Resuscitated a lizard
  11. Raised Chinchillas
 You can make two guesses. Okay, three. :-) 
 Please make sure you enter the Rafflecopter below. Then come back and post your responses in the comments. 

The Bayou Secrets Saga 

 by Judy McDonough 


Judy McDonough Spotlight Q&A _________________________________________________________________________________
Giveaway ends 9/16/18
a Rafflecopter giveaway

On Sept. 17th I'll select winners from Rafflecopter and share on each author's page the winner, and reveal the author's  Fun Fact with a brief description in the comments.

🙂 If you enjoy Lorelei's Lit Lair and this post Subscribe here: Never Miss a Giveaway & Post!. Please note that some cover images and text links connect to a Lorelei’s Lit Lair affiliate portal. Thank you so much for your support. It’s greatly appreciated.


  1. 3, 4, 8......I have no idea why I picked them. haha

  2. Judy McDonough's Fun Fact is #6 Trained Massage Therapist! Judy shares:
    "I am a very touchy-feely person by nature, and I've been told all my life I have a very soothing touch. I enjoy (and have a knack for) giving massages, and I like making people feel good, so I wanted to learn how to properly—professionally—give a full body massage. When I got out of the Navy in 2004, I went to massage therapy school. I went through the 6 months of extensive training, learned anatomy and physiology and all the various techniques and types of massages. My teachers were amazing, they had studied eastern medicine and techniques from Asian gurus, so I drank up all the knowledge they were willing to share. I gave tons of free massages for practice to all my friends and family, had clients requesting “The girl with the magic hands,” and I graduated 2nd in my class. Then, before I could take the national certification test, we moved from Louisiana to Tennessee for my husband’s job. I had intentions to drive from Knoxville to Nashville to take the National test to get my license, but then i got pregnant and decided to wait (big mistake) until a “better” time. I kept putting it off and putting it off, and then I never ended up going to get my license. I still remember everything and know how to give a fantastic massage."

  3. That sounds like a fun skill to have!
