Sep 17, 2018

Fun Fact Challenge Giveaway ~Author Reveals and Winners!

I hope you had fun reading about this year's Romance, Wine & Chocolate authors and guessing their Fun Facts!
  Winners were selected randomly based on participation. I hope you had fun!  
The authors offering giveaways are:
~ Kristan Higgins ~ Barbara Longley ~ Debra Fisk ~ Kristal Hollis 
~ Judy McDonough ~ Kerry Evelyn ~ Valerie Bowman 
~ Madeline Martin ~ Priscilla Oliveras ~ Sarah Andre
I included mine as an extra just for fun!
So, here goes the first reveal...

Lorelei's Lit Lair - #5. Met Superman
I went skiing in Stowe, Vermont on Christmas Day, 1985. My family and I arrived very early, put our bags to the side to save the table, but when we returned after skiing, it was taken. So we found another table to sit at. From afar I kept looking at who sat at our table, the man looked very familiar. Then I realized who it was: Superman. Christopher Reeve. He was sitting when I approached him, on that bench behind me in the photo. But then he rose and…..I was in awe, and amazed, indeed. I asked if he didn’t mind taking a picture. I was so nervous, I forgot to ask for an autograph. At least this pic came out well. No digital back then.
He was so gracious, allowing us to take a picture during the holidays while he was with his family. After everything he went through and all the years of hope and pain, I’ve never forgotten that day and what a true gentlemen and nice person he was. A true real-life hero. (I was 18, by the way, though I look 14 next to him. A wonderful memory. Sigh…)

Since Rafflecopters winners are on each author's post, you'll need to click on each Fun Fact link below to discover which author it belongs to and find out if you won! A brief description -like mine-will be in the comments of each author's post. See if you got them right! ;-)
  1.   Knife Thrower
  2. Lived in Germany
  3. Appears in the movie The Notebook
  4. Lived in Commune 
  5. Met Superman  (Lorelei)
  6. Trained Massage Therapist
  7. Internet Ordained Minister
  8. Tried Stand-up Comedy
  9. Speech Therapist
  10. Resuscitated a lizard
  11. Raised Chinchillas

Did you guess correctly? Did you enjoy this activity?
  🙂 If you enjoy Lorelei's Lit Lair and this post Subscribe here: Never Miss a Giveaway & Post!. Please note that some cover images and text links connect to a Lorelei’s Lit Lair affiliate portal. Thank you so much for your support. It’s greatly appreciated.


  1. Oh my gosh, LOOK AT YOU!! You were so young!! Too cute!

    1. Lol! 18! A freshman in College! Can you believe it? Next to him of course I look even younger. ☺️

  2. That is so fun that you met him! You haven't changed much since then, and I think you look older than 18!

    1. Why thank you, Sue-in the haven’t changed much! 😄 I felt 14 standing next to him. I honestly don’t know how I could speak or how he understood my request.
