Jul 23, 2018

Author Spotlight & Giveaway: Donna Kauffman!

*Giveaway!* Easy Entry! U.S. & Intl! ~Ends 8/5/18
Books by Donna Kauffman
Today’s featured author is the fabulous Donna Kauffman! Learn some fun facts about Donna in this short Q&A. Enter Rafflecopter and leave a question on the blog for a chance to win Blue Hollow Falls! (I absolutely loved it! Review coming soon!)

1. What genre(s) do you write?

I write contemporary romance. These days I’m focused on small town romances. I just love the comforting feeling of a place where everybody knows everybody. I have also written contemporary and futuristic paranormal, but those were some time ago.

2. Coffee or tea lover?

I’m a tea-totaler. Constant Comment is my favorite.

3. Name one thing on your bucket list.

To get to all the places on my Must See destination list. I’ve made pretty good headway!

4. Do you have pets?

I have a parrot (a black-capped caique) named Zazu. I used to do parrot rescue and he’s my one rescue fail. I’ve had him since he hatched. He’s 15 now. I also have a 12-year-old spotted raphael catfish named Baby. Her mate, same age, passed just this past spring. Have had her since she was a wee sprig as well.

5. When I wake up every morning I...
feed my parrot, let him out to conquer his kingdom (aka the top of my kitchen cupboards.)I water my garden, weed and deadhead the blooms, then take care of the plants inside the house, then settle in to work for the day.

6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own?

Hmm...I’m not sure this qualifies, but anyone who knows me knows I love Alice in Wonderland. I’ve been collecting the art of John Tennial from the original books for years. Most recently in scrimshaw. I still listen to the book in audio at least once every year or so.
 7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills?

I am an avid, lifelong crafter. (I grew up helping my mom run her own craft business.) I actually have a paper crafting business I run for fun. (See: minibooksrme.com ) I’ve been teaching classes for the past dozen years since my nest emptied (so I wasn’t home playing with my imaginary friends allll the time) and that has since blossomed into a global, online business. I love playing with paper and crafting photo albums and home décor. It’s a great alternate creative endeavor to the creative aspect of writing. Making something with my hands, versus my mind. I also love to cross-stitch, weave, and just learned how to do felting this year. SO much fun!

8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?

Hope. Joy. To relive (or experience for the first time) that wonderful journey -- the trials, tribulations, the fears, and the utter joy -- of falling in love.

9. What inspired you to write “Bluestone & Vine”?
 This book, as well as the entire Blue Hollow Falls series, are each inspired by my life here in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. I love where I live, both the place and the people. It’s so very special to me, and it’s taken some time to develop exactly the kind of town that I wanted to represent all of the elements that comprise this place I’ve come to know and love so deeply. I had a delightful time slowly putting it all together and it’s just been a dream to write.

I’m thrilled to share that, after Book 3, Lavender Blue, comes out in January 2019, I’ve signed on to write three more! There will be another novella as well. There was one between Book 1 and Book 2, and will be another this fall between Book 2 & Book 3 as part of Fern Michael’s “A Season to Celebrate” anthology. AND now yet another one next year between Book 3 and Book 4. I hope to continue that trend throughout. I love Christmas romances, so it’s been a fun way to give readers a little something extra between the full-length novels.

Meet Donna Kauffman

Donna Kauffman is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over 70 novels, translated and sold in more than 26 countries around the world. Born into the maelstrom of Washington, D.C., politics, she now lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, where she is surrounded by a completely different kind of wildlife. A contributing blogger for USAToday.com, she is also a DIYer, a baker, a gardener and a volunteer transporter for the Wildlife Center of Virginia and Rockfish Sanctuary. Please visit her online at www.DonnaKauffman.com.
Twitter: @DonnaKauffman
Instagram: @donnakauffman

Bluestone & Vine 

Pippa MacMillan is a legend on the Irish folk music scene. But when her voice requires a time-out, she’s left wondering how—and where—to find happiness in the silence . . .

Seeking answers, Pippa leaves Ireland in favor of a small town in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Turns out lovely Blue Hollow Falls in the perfect place to heal—and solitary Seth Brogan is the surprisingly perfect host. After all, Seth is beginning again too: turning his renovated stone barn and beautiful hillside into a vineyard is the start of a whole new life for the former Special Forces soldier. Only Mother Nature keeps thwarting both their plans, leaving Pippa snowbound with unsettling thoughts about how life can take unexpected turns . . .
To Pippa’s surprise, she might actually fall for small-town living. She might even fall for Seth, whose quiet strength is a balm for her world-weary soul. But when the music starts once more, will she follow her fortune back to Ireland, or surrender to the call of her heart?

Bluestone & Vine Bookmark Charm
Your chance to a copy of Blue Hollow Falls by Donna Kauffman (winner’s choice of print or e-book or audio) along with a bookmark charm designed by Joyce Taber of The Cotton Thistle.

From her free-spirited mother, Sunny Goodwin learned the value of peace, love, and Jerry Garcia. The inheritance from the father she never knew? That’s a little more complicated . . .
Sunny never expected to find herself owning a centuries old silk mill in the shadow of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains . . . or becoming a half-sister to a ten-year-old named Bailey. Once the shock subsides, she plans to cash in and head back home. But the overgrown greenhouse she finds on the property calls out to the gardener in her, and she senses Bailey’s need for nurturing too . . .

And someone else is making it hard for Sunny to leave: Sawyer Hartwell, an Iraq War hero who wants to make the old mill a creative hub for the artisans of Blue Hollow Falls . . . and wants Sunny to share his vision, and his life. But sexy as this ex-soldier may be, she’s not sure she’s ready to give love a chance . . .

“We all know where there's Donna Kauffman, there's a rollicking, sexy read chockfull of charm and sparkle. Kauffman's characters are adorably human and so very magnetic.”

Please make sure you enter the Rafflecopter below and check mark the selected items. Then post your response in the comments. Giveaway ends 8/5/18.


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  1. I loved Bluestone and Vine. Thank you for the opportunity to read Bluestone Hollow.

    1. Thanks so much, Rhonda!! So glad you're loving the series.

  2. Don't enter me because I already have this book! I just adore everything Donna writes! She has such wonderful characters and settings that she places them in. The way she describes Blue Hollow Falls you feel like you are actually there!

    1. Aw, thanks, Sue! I'm so glad you're loving the series. :)

  3. Hello everyone! ::waving madly:: Thank you Lorelei for having me as a guest author and letting me hang out with your fab readers! I'm so excited about this series, set in my home region of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I hope your readers give it a try. (And waving madly to some of my readers who are dropping by, too!)

    1. Hi Donna! It’s an absolute pleasure having you on the blog! I fell hard for your characters in Blue Hollow Falls- great humor, drama -I loved everything! I hope everyone gets to read your books if they haven’t yet. Thank you for offering your book and the beautiful book charm!

    2. My absolute pleasure! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the book so much. :)

  4. I have already read this book. I am waiting to read Bluestone & Vine. My library doesn't have a copy yet. I live in Virginia so I feel like I connect with this series. Thank you for writing such great stories.

    1. Thanks so much, Doris! So glad you're enjoying the series. If you haven't already, put in a request at your library for them to order a copy. They are usually good about adding requested titles to their catalog. Libraries are my happy place!

  5. I Love your books they make me feel warm & cozy inside & they are always a must read for me. Thanks for your great generosity.

    1. You're so very welcome, Linda. I'm so glad you are enjoying the series! :)

  6. Love reading your books they bring joy to my reading pleasure. Thanks for the enjoyable reads

    1. Thanks so much, Judy! I'm so glad you're enjoying them. :)

  7. Zazu is a handsome fellow!

    1. Thanks so much, Mary! I've had him since he popped out of the egg. He rules the roost here. :)

  8. I love your books, especially this series. I love that scrimshaw piece of art. For a long time I collected scrimshaw jewelry. I've been following you and your books for years. Thank you for the wonderful stories you share.

    1. Hi Eileen! I love scrimshaw, too. The artists who created the piece in the photo are Katherine and Kim McClelland. I have several of their pieces. Love them! So glad you're enjoying the books! And thanks for your support over the years - I have the BEST readers!! :)

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you! Kensington (publisher) has done a truly outstanding job with the art for this series. Some of my favorite covers ever.

  10. Looking forward to getting to know your work! Love the covers and the settings as I live in a small town in VA overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains! We even go hiking in those mountains!

    1. Hi Jacinda! I think you'll feel right at home in Blue Hollow Falls. :) I hope you enjoy it! ~ Donna

  11. Would enjoy reading this book. I am amazed at the things you created in the pictures. Vivian Furbay jtandviv(ast)q(dot)com
