May 19, 2018

Looking back at the Debbie Macomber Luncheon April 28th, 2018

 On April 28th, 2018 over 210 fervent fans had the pleasure of attending Debbie Macomber's Luncheon. 
Here are the highlights of a delightful day celebrating Debbie Macomber's 35 years of writing!

I made new friends and treasure beautiful memories from this day! 
 I was the lucky winner in the Writer's Block Bookstore contest. It was a pleasure to invite a local reader to attend this event. 
We had so much fun!

Debbie Macomber's Table


Moderator Laura Steward interviewing Debbie Macomber
with Debbie Macomber

With moderator Laura Steward, author of What Would a Wise Woman Do?
Thank you Writer's Block Bookstore and Random House/Ballantine!
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  1. How exciting for you!! Wonderful pictures Lorelei.

    1. Thanks Eileen! I updated the video. I accidentally posted a picture instead of the actual link 😜 Enjoy!

  2. Replies
    1. It was! She’s SO delightful! An inspiration. I updated the video. Check it out. ☺️

    2. Nice job with the video! Liked the pink flowers opening throughout it! And that cupcake looked adorable!

  3. Wow, how exciting. It looks as if you had a nice lunch and an interesting day!

  4. This was such a fun day!! I completely enjoyed meeting you :)

  5. Looks like an amazing time!! Loved the video! And the added info - "made with photocopies. No books were harmed. "
    Well done!
