Apr 11, 2018

Author Spotlight & Giveaway: Marie Tremayne!

*Giveaway!* Easy Entry! U.S. only~Ends 04/22/18 
Today I have debuting author, Marie Tremayne!
Follow Marie Tremayne
Learn some fun facts about Marie in this short Q&A. Leave a question on the blog for a chance to win Lady in Waiting
1. What genre(s) do you write?
 I enjoy writing historical romance, but would be interested in trying literary fiction and even horror just for fun. That all requires extra time, unfortunately!

 2. Coffee or tea lover?   
Coffee! Although I will not refuse any offer of Earl Grey.

3.  Name one thing on your bucket list.    
 Visiting England, including the countryside that I love to write about in my books.

4. Do you have pets?   
I am owner by proxy to my daughter's two guinea pig boars: BB and Theodore. 

5. When I wake up every morning I... brush my hair then stumble over to my trusty coffeepot! 
6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own.     
I own some wedding crystal that my great grandmother brought over from Scotland after she was married. It's beautiful!

7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills?  
I've danced for most of my life, was an actor in a comedy troupe that performed locally, and have worked in wildlife rehab.  

8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?      
 If I can make someone's day/night/weekend more enjoyable with a story that can transport them away from their busy and hectic lives, then mission accomplished! And if they are able to feel that thrill of falling in love in the process, then even better.

9. What inspired you to write Lady in Waiting?  
The upstairs/downstairs dynamic, runaway bride in disguise, boss/employee romance...these were all ideas I wanted to see combined. Having never written a book before, it took ten years before I was willing to try!

  Meet Marie Tremayne

More Books by Marie Tremayne

Marie Tremayne graduated from the University of Washington with a B.A. in English Language & Literature. While there, a copy of Pride and Prejudice ended up changing her life, and she decided to study the great books of the Regency and Victorian eras. Now she enjoys writing her own tales set in the historical period she loves. Marie lives with her family in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

  Lady in Waiting


She wants to escape her present . . .

When Clara Mayfield helps her sister elope, she’s prepared for the scandal to seal her fate as a spinster. What she doesn't expect is to find herself engaged to the vile Baron Rutherford as a means of salvaging her family's reputation. Determined not to be chained to a man she loathes, Clara slips out of Essex and sheds her identity: she becomes Helen, maid at the Earl of Ashworth’s country estate. After all, below stairs is the last place anyone would think to look for an heiress . . .

He wants to forget his past . . .

William, Lord Ashworth, is attempting to rebuild his life after the devastating accident that claimed the lives of his entire family, save his beloved sister and niece. Haunted by memories of what was and determined to live up to the title he never expected to inherit, William doesn’t have time for love. What he needs is a noble and accomplished wife, one who can further the Ashworth line and keep the family name untarnished . . .

Together, can they find the perfect future?

From their first encounter, the attraction between them is undeniable. But Clara knows William is falling for Helen, a woman who doesn’t even exist. The question is, if she reveals the truth about her identity, can she trust the broken William to forgive her lie and stand by her side when scandal—and the baron—inevitably follow her to his door?

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  1. Your daughter's guinea pigs are cute.

    Interesting idea for your book! Adding it to my list. Congrats on your first book!

    1. Haha, they are cute little guys for sure. The one on the right (BB) likes to give lots of kisses. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the book! =)

  2. With your dance/comedy background, did you ever want to pursue (live) entertainment as a career? Might we see a trace of this in a future character of yours?

    1. Dancing and acting were fulfilling and fun, but teaching was where I was headed when I was in college. I love performing but haven't done it in quite a while! I do want to take ballroom dancing lessons so I can really feel the detail when imagining waltzing scenes (there are a few in my next two books). Haven't considered an entertainer as a character yet, but that is an interesting idea!

  3. Fun interview. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for checking it out!

  4. I like the premise of your book. Your daughter's guinea pigs are cute. Does your dance and comedy background play any part in your writing practice?

    1. Thank you! I wouldn't say it plays a part in the sense that I use specific techniques from those things. But we are all a product of our life experiences and I do try to use humor in my writing. There is also dancing, of course. But my time working with wildlife definitely pops up...you never know when you will find a squirrel!

  5. Hiding in disguise! I love it! Wishing you great success!!

  6. I hope you and your daughter are enjoying your guinea pigs. Our daughter had one many years ago. She was not as skittish as they usually are. We would take her to nursing homes. She would sit on the table and let people pet her, just chirping at them. I've not found one that calm, ever.
    Best wishes for a successful writing career. LADY IN WAITING sounds like an enjoyable read.

    1. Hi Patricia! One thing I discovered about guinea pigs is their delightful assortment of sounds. Chirping, wheeking, burring, and purring! Your daughter's piggy sounded much calmer than ours are but I think they are mostly gentle souls. =)

      Thank you for the kind wishes - I appreciate it so much!
