Feb 14, 2018

Author Spotlight & Giveaway: Falguni Kothari!

*Giveaway!* Easy Entry! U.S. & INTL~Ended 2/25/18 -Winner is Nova!
A Happy Valentine's Day to all, and to celebrate we have the lovely Falguni Kothari today!

Learn some fun facts about Falguni in this short Q&A. Leave a question on the blog for a chance to win My Last Love Story!

1. What genre(s) do you write? 
I write romance, women’s fiction and fantasy. And have a half-finished romantic suspense on the laptop that I’ll get to sooner or later
2. Coffee or tea lover?
Masala Chai is my wake up energy shot; home-brewed and spicy.

3. Name one thing on your bucket list.

A cruise to Antarctica. I hope I get to go before the ice sheets melts.

4. Do you have pets?
One amazingly sweet and handsome dog named Truffles. He’s almost 9 but bounces around like a puppy still!

5. When I wake up every morning I...Brush my teeth, have my tea and play a game of Scrabble.
​6. Weirdest​ or unique thing you own.
Not so much as weird or unique, but I still have these seven rubber dwarves (think Snow White) from my first Disney visit…when I was three years old. (In case you’re wondering that was 42 years ago.)   

7. Do you have ​any hobbies or particular skills?  
I’m a dancer. I love dancing. Right now, I’m obsessed with Zumba and Latin dance.   

8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?   
I want my readers to laugh and cry and hug themselves while reading my stories. I want them to wonder and think and hope and understand themselves and our world a little bit more.

9. What inspired you to write My Last Love Story?
So, several things had been percolating inside me before I began writing My Last Love Story. First, I'd read a book about a polyamorous relationship (Tempted by Megan Hart) with an end I did not agree with. Two, I’d just finished writing my fantasy novel, and one of the characters in that novel (which is based in Indian mythology) was in a polyandrous marriage. I guess my brain wasn’t ready to go back to thinking of a relationship in terms of two people. 
At the same time, over the years, I’d seen close family deal with disease and the aftermath of it. So, when I began imagining the characters for the first time — who were they? Where did they come from? How would polyamory work in a modern set up with Indian characters? What if all three are from different faiths? What if one of them is terminal?
As I started answering all those questions, my story took shape.

More Books by Falguni

Meet Falguni Kothari

Falguni Kothari is the author of unconventional love stories and kick-ass fantasy tales. Her four novels, most recently MY LAST LOVE STORY, are all flavored by her South Asian heritage and expat experiences. An award-winning Indian Classical, Latin and Ballroom dancer, she currently spikes her endorphin levels with Zumba. She resides in New York with her family and pooch.
She can be found online at FalguniKothari.com and you can get the latest updates at bit.ly/FKMailingList


My Last Love Story


 “Promise me you will laugh every day. Fight every day. Do you know how beautiful you look when you’re angry? Promise me you’ll learn to cuss, learn to love again. Live again. Promise me you won’t give up on each other.”

Simi Desai is thirty years old and her husband is dying of cancer. He has two last wishes in his final months: first, that she’ll have his baby so that a piece of him lives on, and second, that she’ll reconcile with her old flame, who just happens to be their mutual best friend. And so over the course of their last summer together, Simi’s husband plans a series of big and small adventures for this unlikely trio, designed to help them say goodbye to each other and prove to Simi that it’s okay to move on without him—and even find love again.

Beautiful and poignant, Falguni Kothari’s My Last Love Story will pull your heartstrings as only unforgettable love stories can.

Buy links:


The winner is Nova!

Falguni Kothari is giving away a signed copy of My Last Love Story to a U.S. commenter, OR an ebook if international is selected!

To enter, simply leave a question or comment about the author's Q&A responses or about her books. Giveaway ends on 2/25/18.

*If international reader, please say which country you reside in.

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  1. your little dog is the cutest & i love his name! would love to be able to dance!!!

    1. I met Falguni in July and had I known she danced, I would have done so on the spot! 😄 Falguni, I didn’t see you on the dance floor at RWA after party, where were you? ☺️

    2. I was on that dance floor!!! Two nights straight!

    3. Lol! I must have been on the other side!

    4. Congratulations Nova! You are the winner of falguni's Giveaway! Please email me to claim your prize at Loreleislitlair at gmail dot com

    5. so exciting. so happy to have been picked.

    6. so exciting. so happy to have been picked.

  2. Thank you so much for having me on your blog! I loved answering your questions. And I love our conversations. xoxo

  3. Your book, My Last Love Story, has such an interesting premise was there anything in your life that influence you writing it?

    1. Hi Eileen, I am incredibly late answering this question...don't know where my brain was. The bit about Nirvaan's cancer and the actions he takes because of it is/was based on something that happened within my family. Not my life, per se, but I was definitely a close observer to many of the things that happened in the book.

  4. Truffles is adorable. We also have a silly dog, Tyson. He is about 7 years old and always in motion. haha
