Feb 7, 2018

Author Spotlight & Giveaway: Susan Andersen!

*Giveaway!* Easy Entry! U.S.& International!~Ends 02/18/18

Today’s featured author is the fantabulous Susan Andersen!

 Learn some fun facts about Susan in this short Q&A.  Leave a question on the blog for a chance to win It Had To Be You! 
1. What genre(s) do you write? 

Up until my newest, It Had To Be You, which is set in 1926 Seattle, I wrote strictly contemporary romance and romantic suspense. Now I’ve branched out into 20thCentury historical.

2. Coffee or tea lover?

I was all tea, all the time up until a couple of years ago when my husband poured a packet of hot chocolate mix into a cup of coffee for me one Saturday morning and topped it off with whipped cream. I’m still, however, mostly all tea, all the time.

3. Name one thing on your bucket list.

I’ve never actually made a bucket list, but there are so many places I would like to see in the world. I’m rabid about old architecture, so there are a whole lotta spots in Europe I’d love to visit-- as well as on our own East Coast, as they have far older buildings than you’ll find in my part of the Pacific Northwest.

4. Do you have pets?
Our almost 13-year-old kitty-boys, brothers Boo Radley and Mojo are our current pets. Before my husband retired he was an engineer whose field jobs took him all over the world for what were sometimes extended periods. Boo and Moj were (and still remain) great company, always a comfort and good for laugh. There is nothing quite like a cat’s purr to release tension.
5. When I wake up every morning I...make a mocha and take it back to bed to drink. (See coffee or tea lover?) It’s a lovely way to start the morning instead of hitting the ground running.

6. Weirdest or unique thing you own.
I don’t know how weird or unique these are, but I cherish my grandmother’s dresser and this old trunk I found years ago.

 7. Do you have any hobbies or particular skills?

I love to X-country ski. And since my son suggested we should make our Christmas giftseveral years ago, my craft skills have improved quite a bitI’ve learned to make stuff I never dreamed I could. And since my mom had Alzheimer’s, I’m all over the fact that learning new things is supposed to be good for your brain.

 8. What do you hope readers will experience or gain when reading your stories?

I hope they laugh, they cry, they wet their pa—okay, maybe not that last thingBut I do hope they discover characters in my work who make them feel as if they could be an actual friend or family member. I hope to suck them into the world I’ve written and make their day a little brighter.

9. What inspired you to write It Had to Be You? 

I’ve been fascinated by the Roaring 20s for ages. But my need to write this book didn’t spring from a specific inspiration—It was more like this persistent itch in the back of my brain. The dang thing clamored for recognition for lot of years before I finally planted my butt in my chair and set Booker and Lena loose in 1926 Seattle

Meet Susan Andersen 

More Books by Susan

Susan grew up surrounded by creatures of the XY persuasion and has spent her life just trying to stay afloat in the deep end of the testosterone pool. Her books have graced the USAToday, New York Times and Amazon bestsellers lists. The proud mother of a grown son, Susan lives in the Pacific NW with her husband of almost 49 years and The Boys: her cats Boo Radley and Mojo.



It Had To Be You

Buy on Amazon
Welcome to 1926 Seattle, where the blues are hot and the gin is served up cold
It’s taken time but I’m slowly crawling my way up the entertainment industry ladder. I could get a lot farther, faster, if I were willing to play the old slap and tickle. Yeah…that’s never gonna happen. But my newest move is a step in the right direction and it’s my voice that earned me this gig. I feel on top of the world—right up until I discover who owns the joint.
Of all the speakeasies, in all the world, my manager had to give Lena Bjornstad a contract with the Twilight Room. Back in our hometown, before I signed up to fight the war to end all wars, I loved her with everything I had. She claimed she loved me, too. Look how goddamn swell that turned out.
Amidst saxophone players and cigarette girls, Lena and Booker try clinging to their old anger as a shield against future pain—even as ancient chemistry still weaves its magic. And in a town where the hems are rising and morals are lowering, banked embers from the past just might ignite a bright new tomorrow.


Winners are Sue G. and Bridget C! 

Susan Andersen is giving away signed copy of IT HAD TO BE YOU (U.S. only) to a lucky commenter and an ebook (U.S./ international) to another lucky commenter!

To enter, simply ask Susan a question based on her Q&A responses or about her books. Giveaway ends on 02/18/18.

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  1. What or who inspired you to become a writer?

    1. Debra, I have always been a voracious reader--the kind who can lose herself in a story to the detriment of all else. But my now retired husband was an engineer who was often gone for long periods of time, which meant I was a single parent during those times. I quickly learned a little guy could get into all kinds of mischief while I had my nose buried in a book. So I switched from my longer books to category romances, which were short enough for me to finish, if not during my sweet baby boy's morning nap, then usually during his afternoon one. Bless his heart, he was a stellar sleeper. I read so many category romances, I decided to try my hand at writing one myself, thinking how hard can it be?
      Pretty damn hard, as it turned out. I soon discovered it's a gift to be able to tell an interesting story in 40-56k words, because you have to make every word count and it leaves little room to develop secondary characters' stories. I wrote 2 or 3 books that will never see the light of day for a very good reason, but which were great learning tools for developing my craft. But it wasn't until I wrote a larger romantic suspense that I sold. Annnnd--this is probably way more information than you ever wanted. See why I didn't make it in category?

    2. Lol! I will always remain a reader. 😁 What’s the title of the romantic suspense?

  2. ***FRIENDS! If you commented and don't see it here, rest assured that I have your entries. I made a switch in settings that allows VARIOUS ways to log in to comment. I had it set for only Google+ members. My bad! I'm going to figure out a way to repost your entries manually so that they're visible.

    1. Thanks goodness! I thought I was going crazy! ; )

  3. Your chest is amazing. What do you store in it? I found a chest at an auction and my husband turned it into a cedar chest that I store blankets.

    1. Lynn, much to my husband's disgust, I keep old frames (with their attendant glass) in there, so the thing weighs a ton when we have to move it to make room for the Christmas tree, then back into place again. He'd like your blanket idea waaaaay better.

  4. Lorelei, there was no reply button I could find for your question about my first sold book. That was Shadow Dance.
